How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business
by First Launch on Thursday Oct 11
Digital Marketing has grown tremendously in the past few years and has been steadily taking over traditional marketing. The businesses are no longer interested in targeting the mass; they are willing to target the relevant audience, expecting immediate feedback through the digital marketing channel. The best thing about marketing digitally is you can get incredible results at zero cost.
With various marketing tools available in the market, targeting the right audience and analyzing the results of a campaign have become a piece of cake. The real challenge doesn’t lie in implementing a marketing strategy but in choosing the best digital marketing channel for the right customers.
Digital Marketing Channels
Digital Marketing has various channels. Some of the most popular ones are-
1. Content Marketing
Marketing a product with the power of words in the form of blogs, guest blogs, and submitting the articles on various forums and sites to engage as many people as possible. Content Marketing is usually ideal for creating Brand Awareness. The more the name of your brand pops up on various forums, the higher the chances you have to gain more customers.
2. Search Engine Optimisation
This is one of the marketing techniques which, if done rightly, gives slow yet definite results. SEO helps you to attract traffic to your website organically. Easy as it may sound, much back-end work goes into building and maintaining an SEO-rich website. SEO can be an ideal option to generate more leads.
3. Social Media Marketing
Anything can get trendy on social media, and that’s how powerful it is! Using Social Media to make announcements or invite the audience to engage can be an effective form of digital marketing. Since we can immediately analyse the results, based on the results, we can work on developing the strategies. Social Media Marketing can be blindly opted for if the business objective is ‘Brand Awareness’.
4. Email Marketing
Email Marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels digitally as it is the only form of marketing that lets the brand create customer loyalty. With personalized emails, a brand can provide customers with just what they need, increasing their conversion rates. Email Marketing can be the right channel if the business objective is ‘Brand Awareness’ and ‘lead generation’.
5. Mobile Marketing
It wouldn’t be reasonable to ignore the gadgets that people find hard to avoid when we are talking about digital marketing. Mobile marketing, whether in the form of SMS marketing, mobile in-app display advertising or mobile responsive websites, is very important and can also be very effective. Mobile Marketing might be a great option for lead generation for your brand, or if you have a mobile app, you can even consider app marketing platforms.
This is not a complete list of digital channels for marketing, but they do form a majority. Having established the channels now comes the most important question. How to choose the best form of digital marketing for your business?

Here are a few important factors to be considered while choosing the best marketing channel for your digital platforms-
1. Identify the Business & Digital Marketing Objectives
Digital Marketing is ever-evolving. What is the best strategy today may become insignificant after a month. The business objective can be anything, whether Brand Awareness Lead Generation or Direct Sales. Setting an objective before running a marketing campaign is important to select a suitable channel and derive maximum benefit.
2. Define your Digital Audience
Identifying the right audience might get tedious, but it is one of the most important jobs you must focus on. If your target audience is not properly defined, you might as well not expect the best results out of digital media marketing. Suppose you have got great leads from Email Marketing and fewer leads from Social Media Marketing; it is not right on your part to stay comfortable with Email Marketing. As mentioned before, what is the best marketing strategy today may not even work after a month.
You must continuously try different channels and strategies to achieve the best results. And that doesn’t mean targeting anyone and everyone wasting your time and resource. Thus comes into the picture the importance of defining your audience.
3. Consider Your Budget
There’s a saying, “The cost of the lock should not be more than the value of what it’s guarding”. Considering this, you must select the right combination of digital marketing channels in line with the budget.
You might even have to decide whether to Market Digitally all by yourself or partner with an agency for your Digital Marketing Services. Again, this is an important factor to consider before deciding on Marketing Channels.
4. Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis might come in handy in deciding the right channel for marketing your business, not just for Digital Marketing but for any field. Although, this cannot be completely relied on and taken as a shortcut for your strategies. The beauty of marketing digitally is if it works for one, it need not necessarily work for the other. But it gives you an idea of what channels the customers engage in more.
The right digital marketing channel for your business can take you to the newest heights, but one wrong decision can lead to greater damage. You must consider some factors before choosing the right channel, conduct numerous experiments before getting comfortable with a form of marketing strategy, and explore different areas until you are completely satisfied that you have chosen the right channel for your business.
Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency?
First Launch is your ideal match. We are a full-service digital marketing agency in Bangalore, India, providing the best marketing services with the harmony of digital designs and website development.