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UI/UX Case Study - Xero Degrees

Case study - Xero-Degree - Front View Laptop Mockup


The brands 'Xero Degrees' & 'Xero Courtyard' are exclusively owned by Xero Degrees Cafe Private limited. Xero Degrees was founded by Kashish Aneja & Shivam Kakkar in the year 2018. With multiple locations across India, Xero Degrees is your new destination for mouth-watering and mind-blowing food. Xero's crazily Indianized American food will leave you craving for more. Enjoy well-crafted piping hot recipes of spicy French fries, cheesy pizza slices, heavenly delicious drinks and whatnot, in a warm and pleasant ambience created by Xero's stunning interiors and decor. Xero Degrees is not just a restaurant, but an escape from your busy life to "a world full of happiness"The brands 'Xero Degrees' & 'Xero Courtyard' are exclusively owned by Xero Degrees Cafe Private limited. Xero Degrees was founded by Kashish Aneja & Shivam Kakkar in the year 2018.

Case study - Xero-Degree - Background image



We are sticking to our original brand colors as they provide a wider range of color selection and also goes consistent with existing platform. The overall color theme has been kept lighter with primary usage of the base color in the entirety of the platform.

  • #F7B839
  • #F1513A
  • #F11A3D
  • #1B1B1B
Case study - Xero-Degree - Color:F1513A Case study - Xero-Degree - Color:F7B839


Source Sans Pro feels much more modern, a little reminiscent of FF Meta. Its intended use is for user interfaces so it renders very well at small sizes. The font is available in an impressive 6 weights, making it extremely versatile. The typeface is inspired by the forms of the American Type Founders' gothics by Morris Fuller Benton, such as News Gothic, Lightline Gothic and Franklin Gothic, modified with both a larger x-height and character width and more humanist-influenced italic forms.

03.Input form user


01.Home Page

Case study - Xero-Degree - Home page

02.Other Pages

Case study - Xero-Degree - Other pages

03.Mobile Applications

  • Case study - Xero-Degree - Mobile Mockup-1
  • Case study - Xero-Degree - Mobile Mockup-2
  • Case study - Xero-Degree - Mobile Mockup-3
  • Case study - Xero-Degree - Mobile Mockup-4
Case study - Xero-Degree - Fries Case study - Xero-Degree -
Case study - Xero-Degree - Overview