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Search Engine Optimization

How we increased lead generation by 700% with SEO?


This is not your average SEO case study.

This is a testament to the fact that when you are patient and consistent with your SEO efforts, the results will be worth it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one such digital marketing activity which takes a considerable amount of time to deliver its benefits and also requires you to continue putting in your efforts to ensure that you don’t go back to square one. Once you rank on the first page of any search engine for a particular keyword, you need to continue to put in those same efforts, if not more, to stay on the first page. The one fact that most digital marketers fail to understand is that your search engine results page (SERP) ranking is not only determined by your SEO strategies but is in consideration with the efforts put in by your competitors for the same search query. And this is why SEO is a forever process but worth every second you invest.


Our tactical


A business’s sole intention of ranking for any search query on the first page of Google’s search engine results page is to have searchers click on your result, land on your website and fulfil your conversion goal – in short, website traffic generation and, ultimately, lead generation.

As an early-stage digital marketing agency in Bangalore, we did our fair share of cold calls, cold email campaigns and whatnot since SEO would take time. We soon realized that the efforts and resources we were utilizing were not in sync with the outcome. We then decided to focus our efforts on SEO and to improve our website ranking for a particular keyword. This would help us generate the right traffic and eventually turn it into our key lead-generation strategy.

How we went on to increase our lead generation
with SEO

  • Search Engine Optimization Analysis.
  • Search Engine Optimization Execution.
Website Analytics - First Launch

Choose The Right Keywords for SEO

First, we set out to assimilate our position on Google’s SERP by executing an SEO Audit. We found the rankable keywords and on-page and off-page optimizations that could be done and chalked out an effective SEO strategy to boost our Google ranking.

Now that we established the primary keyword for our digital marketing agency, we set up a few ground rules that helped us in achieving our goal of lead generation with SEO (read on).

Content Optimization for SEO

Once we decided on our target keyword, we ensured that every page of the website, including every blog article, included the keywords “digital marketing” if not “digital marketing agency”. But we also considered the optimum usage of the keywords and used it at the most natural flow of words so that we do not end up penalised by the search engines for keyword stuffing.

We started with our meta title and meta description. We ensured that we made the best possible use of the 60-character and 160 (at that time) limit for the title and description, respectively. Then, we optimized our existing blogs with our target keyword and ensured that any blog contained our target keyword. We also ensured that our image tags consisted of the keyword, wherever applicable (as I mentioned earlier, we did not want to stuff keywords). Our social media profile descriptions and site submission content also kept the keyword intact. So, in a nutshell, First Launch and “digital marketing agency” went hand-in-hand throughout the web.

We optimised each blog & web page’s content according to keywords and readability. A readability check is to ensure that the sentences are not too long or complex. It also affects how Google assimilates your website content (just like humans, nobody likes long and complex sentences). We could handle regular content optimisation efforts with Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress.

SEO Lead generation - First Launch
SEO Page Speed Insights - First Launch

Website Performance Optimization for SEO

We closely watched our website performance, i.e., web page size, website speed and mobile performance. Google is rumoured to have started considering the website’s mobile performance to determine the search engine ranking with its recent updates. Knowing that it takes time for Google to index your website changes and optimization efforts, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Due to our kickass in-house technology team, monitoring and maintaining our website was not sweaty. We also utilised tools, such as Google PageSpeed Insights and Google Search Console, to alert us of any mishaps with the website. Google PageSpeed Insights helps analyse and optimise your website, leveraging its infrastructure. It identifies the performance flaws of your website and also suggests viable solutions. Google Search Console, on the other hand, takes it one step ahead with its regular website diagnosis. It scans your website for crawl errors, alert you via email, and helps ensure your website is Google-friendly.

We ensured that our website was treated like royalty by a deadly combination of a super-skilled tech team and Google’s website performance monitoring tools.

Website SEO Analytics

With all the website enhancements and optimizations, you must verify what works for your website. The only way to do that is to monitor the performance of your website and validate the effects of the alterations made. Key metrics like website rank and keyword rank can be used as indicators for you to validate if your efforts are made towards the right direction.

Tools like SEMRush and Alexa help you analyse your website’s SEO. We ensured that the strategies deployed were reflected in the right direction by keeping a constant check on our website ranking. Moreover, we continuously monitored our blog article rankings, the spike or decline in the website traffic, and updated the keywords.

We were in a constant loop of the above activities for over three months before we realised that we had broken the mould. Slowly, our SEO efforts succeeded in lead generation as we crept up the Google search ranking. We got enquiries which required much less effort to convert (as they already had the necessity for a digital marketing agency and hence why we’re looking for the same, online).

Website SEO end result - First Launch
First Launch Web Analytics


SEO has become our primary strategy for lead generation since it has increased lead generation by over 700%. So through our SEO strategy and consistent efforts, we achieved it! We went from waiting for replies to our cold email campaigns to our inbox and phone buzzing with enquiries. We also had a random, unscheduled walk-in of a prospect who claimed to have noticed on Google that we were close to his residence – an experience I, for sure, will never forget.

You can implement the above steps in your search engine optimization strategies, or you can always get in touch with us.

As the one of the best SEO Companies in Bangalore, We’d surely love to help you develop the best SEO strategy and increase lead generation for your business; Contact us at

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