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3X Increase in account open rate for online trading platform

3X Increase in account open rate for online trading platform


Brand: An online trading platform owned by a financial conglomerate from Mumbai, India. 

Close to 30 years of operating in the Indian financial services industry across investments, trading, and wealth management sectors.


  1. High competition amongst trading platforms.
  2. Possibility of junk or irrelevant leads.
  3. A high number of leads, but no actual account opens.
  4. Want more experienced traders than new traders.

Ask: Increase the Overall account opens and Reduce the cost per account opened.

The Solution 

Campaign Breakdown

Current Performance

    1. Overall cost per account open is very high despite targeting pan India and targeting the right set of keywords.
    1. 73% of the leads from Google ads source are dropping between OTP Verification and payment successful step.

Campaign Roadmap

Campaign Results

Optimisations done on the overall account

  1. Mapping Keywords & Leads from different Locations to the campaigns to get deeper insights & improve the quality of leads by targeting specific locations based on the insights.
  2. Optimized ad copies & Landing page content optimization with target keywords, to improve quality score and decrease CPCs.
  3. Optimized Sign-up flow consists of fewer steps to open an account as we saw there is a significant drop in conversion rate between steps.
  4. Included offers on the landing page to get more leads.
  5. Retargeting people who have just filled out the initial lead form to create a touch point to consider our platform with the right offers.


We saw a drastic improvement in Lead flow and a reduction in cost per lead which potentially increased the Lead to Account open rate from 5% to 16% across the months.


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